Ok, fine, I’ll blog about content strategy and content marketing

I’ve been writing a series of posts at work lately that talk about content from all sort of different angles. They’re an attempt to gradually let people know what it is I actually do for a job. Recently I tried to answer a couple of classic old questions:

“What’s a content strategist?”

– Smart person who’s keen to learn awesome new stuff


“Oh, right, you mean Content Marketer.”

– Someone who wasn’t quite listening the way they could have been

So, here goes. Please think twice before you @ me.

Continue reading “Ok, fine, I’ll blog about content strategy and content marketing”

I’m an SEO cynic. Here’s why.

When you’re a content strategist you spend a lot of time explaining what you’re not. No, I’m not an editor, nor a copywriter. Not a marketer. Not a project manager either. And I’m definitely not an SEO guy.

Ok Google, tell me reasons not to go overboard with SEO

I take a long view of search engine optimisation, and am more than happy to leave the details to people who know more than me. Sometimes though, I get the feeling that those details are taken way more seriously than they should be. This post is my attempt to explain myself (and not make too many enemies in the process).

Continue reading “I’m an SEO cynic. Here’s why.”

A working definition of content governance

Content governance is the oversight of a complex system. Some parts of it are carefully designed while others are informal. They all affect the quality of your content.

I have a new job, working remotely as the Director of Content for a fast-growing tech company (SaaS, basically). I’ve come in as the workforce is clicking up somewhere between 100 and 200. This is the size where organisations outgrow workable informality. Meanwhile, as a remote team member, I’m experimenting with internal blog posts as a form of working out loud. This is the first such post that I’ve modified for Content is the Web. It started when I was asked some quite general questions about content governance. It’s a recognised weakness (because informality hasn’t been an issue yet), and it’s more or less my responsibility now. Like any good content strategist though, I ain’t touching any problem until I’ve defined the shit out of it.
Continue reading “A working definition of content governance”

If you’re investing in brand discovery, you’d better be paying for something that makes life easier for content teams

Planning a big rebranding project? Cynicism, angst and dread are normal responses from the people who work for you.

Discovering and defining your organisation’s brand is hard. It requires introspection and optimism – which large organisations often don’t have in abundance. But get it right and you enable easier collaboration. You devolve decision-making, and you see better outputs (like, say, websites).
Let me set the scene. A senior manager proclaims that “we’re excited to announce that we’re about to spend months and months redefining our brand. Even better, we want your input!”
Widespread cynicism, angst and dread follow.
Continue reading “If you’re investing in brand discovery, you’d better be paying for something that makes life easier for content teams”

When someone asks a simple question about “agile”, and you try not to write a book in response

From: Wife (work)
To: Me (personal)
Subject: What’s your opinion on Agile?
[Blank email]

From: Me (trying to not open multiple boxes of Pandora, clean multiple Aegean stables, or attempt solutions to multiple enigmas wrapped in mysteries)
To: Wife (work, which by the way is nothing to do with software or web or anything like that)
Subject: Re: What’s your opinion on Agile?
Continue reading “When someone asks a simple question about “agile”, and you try not to write a book in response”

Content Strategy, Simplified, is dead. Long live simplified content strategy.

I’m interrupting an extended period of not blogging to quickly write about Content Strategy, Simplified. That’s the name of a little consultancy I set up last year. I kind of hoped at the time that it would one day become a medium-sized consultancy. It didn’t, but that’s okay.

Better than okay, in truth.

Continue reading “Content Strategy, Simplified, is dead. Long live simplified content strategy.”

Tools vs expertise: A conversation about writing, processing words, and setting type

A couple of years ago, this tweet was pinned to the top of my timeline for a few months. I still quite like it:

Last night my good friend Brandel Zachernuk picked up on this and no, I have no idea why he was sitting around pondering things he’d seen on Twitter 23 months ago. Whyever that was, we had a good chat and came up with a few things that are worth keeping, so here’s a transcript (edited for grammar and to remove chat about children, radio, SpaceX, and macroeconomic psychology). (The two of us aren’t very good at staying on track.)
BRANDEL: I just had a neat thought, related to your Keanu moment about ‘word processors’
Microsoft Word and its ilk never started as being tools for writing.
They were tools for typesetting
That’s a different task you do at a totally different time.
MAX: I suppose the typewriter had already combined composition (i.e. authoring – choosing the words that you use to express your ideas) and typesetting, but by incident of their mechanics they had limited almost every possible design decision to choice of 1 option.
You buy a typewriter and it comes with a single font. You choose a paper width and the margins are built in, etc.
B: That’s true, typewriters fit in there too as an uneasy middle ground. I guess there was such a ‘bright line’ between publishing and everything else for a long time.
M: Typewriters took away typesetting decisions which word processors then gave back, but they handed those decisions to authors rather than designers.
B: It’d be great to talk to people who did information work in earnest before computers made all the phases and distinct disciplines so muddy.
Get the tangible sense of what proofs and drafts were, etc.
M: Yes! It’s funny to think that disciplines or sets of skills were mixed up with control of machinery – e.g. you must be the visual designer if you have access to all the little metal letters
…and if you don’t have any little metal letters, you’ll never get to set type in your lifetime.
B: But then the task of setting those letters into a line of type was so arduous that you couldn’t really be expected to manage any editorial decisions too.
M: And now that we’ve built machines that reduce the labour and take away the physical objects, we stress about the wrong people making bad decisions. People are never happy!
B: People misidentified what’s hard about a lot of stuff. [They] mistook the physical things as the hard parts [when the hard parts are actually the seemingly] incidental things also done by people doing the physical work.
M: I reckon that designers have done a much better job of reclaiming their expertise, and redefining it for modern tools, than wordsmiths.
[…We get distracted and end up making jokes about what Karl Marx would make of modern-day space exploration, before Brandel drags us some of the way back to our original track…]
B: Yeah people in liberal arts and humanities haven’t done a great job of seizing the systems of digital production for their own ends.
M: Do you mind if I blog this conversation? There are some useful things in there that I want to have written down somewhere, and a transcript on a blog is as good as anything else for now.
B: Fine by me! It’s really interesting to be surfacing what computers aren’t doing, or haven’t been set up to be doing properly. It’s so easy to lose sight of the way into the present moment and which values were prioritized.
That’s as far as we got. Interesting? I hope so. I think so, too. But I think that of pretty much anything Brandel comes up with. (Seriously, have a look at what he’s done on Codepen.)

Inter-city content strategy meetup love is quite possibly the world’s purest, and greatest, form of love

At CS Forum last year the three of us who organise Auckland Content Strategy Meetups met a lot of out counterparts from other cities. Briefly, we even shared a stage with them all. They were, and are, all lovely and brilliant people. And since that conference, a lot of inter-meetup activity has followed. Continue reading “Inter-city content strategy meetup love is quite possibly the world’s purest, and greatest, form of love”

What Twitter thought of ‘Marketing people and content people: It’s complicated’ at CS Forum

I love presenting at conferences. Love it. I love picking a topic and spending hours thinking about it. I love having a reason to read up on stuff that interests me. I love that when you say to someone, “I’m working on a talk and I’d like to hear your thoughts on [topic x]”, they almost always give up time for a chat. At events, being a speaker is a great way to meet people. At CS Forum (which was great, by the way), someone found me during a coffee break and opened with, “Hi, you made me really angry,” but with a smile on her face. I love seeing and hearing reactions to what I present. I love it all.
Except the post-conference wrap up blog post. I don’t love that bit. It’s hard, and it takes longer than I want it to, and especially after the best conferences, it drags back the post-event blues that you get for a couple of days afterwards.
Last week I was at CS Forum with a presentation called ‘Marketing people and content people: It’s complicated’. It was a brilliant conference. My talk was fun. It seemed like people got something out of it, which is the result you want as a speaker. The slides are embedded at the bottom of this post. Continue reading “What Twitter thought of ‘Marketing people and content people: It’s complicated’ at CS Forum”